How to Encourage Your Kids to Wear Their Glasses

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes ensuring that their eyesight is well taken care of. If your child needs glasses, it can be a challenge to convince them to wear them regularly. However, there are ways to encourage your kids to wear their glasses without turning it into a battle.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Make glasses a positive experience

Children tend to resist wearing glasses if they view it as a negative experience. To change their mindset, make wearing glasses a positive experience. You can do this by letting them choose their own frames. When you’re at the opticians, let them try on different frames until they find one they like. This will help them feel more excited about wearing their glasses. (Our Opticians will always make sure that the chosen frame is a suitable fit for the child and their prescription)

  • Explain the benefits of wearing glasses

It's essential to explain to your child why they need to wear glasses. Talk to them about how glasses can help them see better and how it can prevent headaches or eye strain. You can also explain that glasses can make it easier for them to see the board at school, read books, or play sports.

  • Encourage them to wear their glasses in public

Children may feel self-conscious about wearing glasses in public, which can be a significant barrier to regular wear. To overcome this, encourage your child to wear their glasses in public. Start with short trips to the supermarket or a park and gradually increase the amount of time they wear them. When they receive compliments on how they look with their glasses, it can help them feel more confident about wearing them.

  • Set up a reward system

A reward system can be an effective way to motivate children to wear their glasses regularly. Set up a chart that tracks the number of days your child wears their glasses, and reward them for consistent wear. The rewards can be anything from a favorite dessert to a trip to the cinema.

  • Lead by example

Children learn by example, and if they see you wearing glasses, they may be more inclined to wear their own. Consider wearing glasses, even if you don't necessarily need them, to show your child that wearing glasses is normal and beneficial.

Investing in your child's eye health is crucial, and encouraging them to wear their glasses can help them see the world clearly. By making glasses a positive experience, explaining their benefits, encouraging public wear, setting up a reward system, and leading by example, you can help your child embrace their glasses.


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