Suffer with dry eye?

Dry Eye Syndrome occurs when there is a lack of moisture and lubrication on the front surface of the eye. This results in a range of symptoms listed below:

- Dry sensation
- Gritty sensation
- Tired eyes
- Sore eyes
- Burning sensation
- Red eyes
- Blurred vision
- Aching sensation
- Sensitivity to bright light
- Watery eyes
- As a result of LASIK or cataract surgery

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions worldwide. The tears are made up of 3 parts: an oily layer, a watery layer and a mucous layer. If any of these layers are not working properly, the result is a dry eye.

At Scartho eyecare, we offer many solutions to aid your dry eye, the most popular is our Dry eye clinic where we asses and treat your symptoms using some of the latest technology available. For the patients not quite ready for our clinic treatments, we offer numerous products. One of the latest products in stock is the “Hycosan & Optase Dry Eye Kit” a great kit which includes the essentials for treatment of dry eye.

In this kit you receive 1 OPTASE® Moist Heat Mask to unblock eye lid glands, 1 OPTASE® Tea Tree Oil Lid Wipes to clear away unwanted scruff and debris on the eyelids and 1 Hycosan Extra® preservative free eye drops to re-establish and stabilise the depleted tear film for long lasting comfort and relief. Together, they deliver comfort and soothing relief from your dry eye symptoms.

New to Scartho Eyecare, the Hycosan & Optase Dry eye kit

The kits are available to purchase from Scartho eyecare now, priced at £22.95.


Freedom from corrective lenses during the day?


July 19th 2021